възможности - отвъд - креативността
способни учители
индивидуални програми
общуване с родителите чрез платформа
owlbridge Kids online academy
Skilled teachers
Communication with the teacher
Individual programs
Способности отвъд креативността
Способни учители
Индивидуални програми
Общуване чрез платформа
English speaking environment
The teachers in our centers communicate and educate the children using only English language, creating an English-speaking environment.
Learning trough play
“Learning through play” is our key to successfully developing skills, knowledge and understanding in our young learners. Within ABC children experience a calm, happy, and positive environment where they will grow into kind, curious, and independent global citizens.
Mommy Week
ABC staff apply a special Adaptation program, called “Mommy Week” for our young newcomers. As well as that, we support non-native children with an English adaptation program.
Unique community
We do not only educate your children, but we create a strong community of like-minded and positive parents that wish to have a strong relationship with the kindergarten and live by our shared values.
ABCLANDIA е част от ABC детски център и предлага бутикови образователни услуги, базирани на най-високите академични стандарти в предучилищното образование. Англофонската среда в нашите центрове насърчава бързото усвояване на езика чрез игри и внимателно подбрани дейности в съответствие с нашата британска програма. Програмата обхваща целия спектър от учебни задачи, подходящи за възрастовата група на децата и подпомага развитието на техния потенциал. Нашите академични процеси се основават на предписания на МОН и Международната начална учебна програма, гарантиращи качество и прецизност .
Target audience
The OWLBRIDGE Online Academy is a platform for direct access to the knowledge and expertise of our top teachers. It features a variety of e-learning courses for children who crave for knowledge.
Create your own schedule. Find the time to study without leaving your home.
Create your own schedule. Find the time to study without leaving your home.
A+ kids
Create your own schedule. Find the time to study without leaving your home.
Create your own schedule. Find the time to study without leaving your home.
Create your own schedule. Find the time to study without leaving your home.
Young actors
Create your own schedule. Find the time to study without leaving your home.
Children with disabilities
Create your own schedule. Find the time to study without leaving your home.
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